"Donkey Of The Day" Tory Lanez Compliments Of C.T.G. #ToryLanez #MegTheStallion #CTG #DOTD
"Donkey Of The Day"
Tory Lanez
Compliments Of C.T.G.
#ToryLanez #MegTheStallion #CTG #DOTD
I'm late with this one but as the story continues to get more ridiculous I had to share this special "Donkey Of The day". We've all been hearing a lot of talk about the Tory Lanez, Meg the stallion situation. No one knows what truly happened in that car but the ones who were there. What we do know is Megan the stallion was shot during this incident and that is unacceptable. Tory Lanez allegedly shooting a woman is unacceptable. STOP,STOP the narrative of snitching it's ridiculous. Tory Lanez allegedly shot a woman there's no snitching here just a victim saying what happened to her. I don't always agree with C.T.G. but this time he was right on point. Peep the audio below and leave comments.
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